Posts Tagged ‘unconditional love’

Laughter, tears, conversation, prayer

Laughter, tears, conversation, prayer. Today, I spent time with a friend.

A new friend, as in this is the second time we’ve gotten together. Both times, we spent two hours together.

We were introduced by a mutual friend, whom I met over lunch about two months ago. She and I spent two and a half hours talking that day. We were introduced by a mutual friend, also.

Last week, I spent an hour or more on the phone with a long time friend. Unlike these two more recent friends, we didn’t hit it off right away. Circumstances were different, we were younger, forced into relationship through life circumstances. Don’t ask; it’s complicated.

Over the years, though, we discovered that we had something in common. We were women who share a spiritual bond. Jesus was (and is) busy in our lives, reshaping, transforming us, and our ability to connect with other people.

On Sunday, I saw several other women who are significant in my life, women with whom I have had deep and meaningful conversations. (Again, with one of them, the first time we talked, we spent two hours together.)

I’m not a person who does “social” really well. I never have. So I am profoundly aware that these friendships are gifts from God, and answers to the longings of my heart.

I think these are the kinds of relationships that many people long for. Heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul connection. People who listen, share their thoughts and feelings, and speak truth as the Spirit prompts them. People who love unconditionally.

I’m grateful to have these women in my life.

(All of them, by the way, are prayer supporters for me as I travel to Uganda. It’s a blessing to know that they are part of my team.)